More Cowbell

More Cowbell


30” x 40”

Acrylic on Canvas

Original Artwork

My husband has my second set of eyes. He and I both know when a painting is done. I can always gut check with him if it's not there yet. In this case, he said it wasn't as shiny as "Glossy and Shiny", didn't have as much texture, which he liked so much on that one. So I kept adding to it. I would check with him after every round of adding more gloss and glaze. He would say it needed more. Hence the reference to its SNL skit namesake. It wasn't until I hung it on the wall where the light hit the raised textures that he started to say it was getting somewhere. And then when I figured out the color composition, we both agreed it was ready for you.

  • Pulls you into the depth of the dark spaces and spits you back out into the light-filled blobs until you recede into the bright minty backgrounds.

  • Warning: The "main color" of this painting can't be identified.

  • Doesn't take itself too seriously, which is a nice reminder of the benefits of taking life that way too.

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