Scary Dreams

Yesterday I went live and talked about how I’m deliberately using art and sleep to access my unconscious, to get deeper below what’s just under the surface. To hopefully reach our universal consciousness.

Then I painted some more on my own. Which resulted in this painting that looks like a flower and fire in one to me.

And then I had two really disturbing dreams last night, which included images of torture and mutilation. There was so much anger and manipulation in the characters in those dreams.

They weren’t like nightmares though. I didn’t wake up gasping or anything like that.

I did wake up surprised because my dreams haven’t been like that. They’ve had some tough themes in them like relationship tensions and temptations, regret, and longing. But nothing like these doozies.

I had also had sugar for the first time after a 4-day streak of no sugar. So that might have been the cause.

But I wonder if going deeper into the unconscious means I’ll have to go deeper into the dark stuff first. I think that’s what my dreams are telling me.

I might have to discover parts of the collective consciousness that I didn’t want to know about, be reminded of.

To get to the really evolved, enlightened parts.

Wish me luck! If you feel like being on this journey with me, try painting in your spare time. I promise it’s more fulfilling than scrolling through the internet.

Mea Christie