The Blocked Door Condition

If you think you are "not a creative person," this video is for you. And if you know someone who says this and it bugs you, this is also for you. Finally, If you are creative, this video is for you. 

In the video, I talk about 5 ways to access your creativity, which include:

1. Be silly, playful, fun. It's the state creativity arises in, not possible in seriousness or criticalness. 

2. Be childlike. What would your 6-year old self do?

3. Notice magic around you. There are coincidences that make it seem like more is at play around us. There are miracles happening all the time, seen and unseen. 

4. Rest. Startup founders often think up the idea for their companies on vacation. Lin Manuel Miranda read a biography of Alexander Hamilton and had the idea for the musical while on vacation. 

5. Give yourself some constraints. Fewer options make it easier to make a quick choice and get started. 

BONUS. Dreams. The other thing you can do is tap into your unconscious. (This was the thing I was trying to remember in the video.) Give up caffeine. Be a little sleepy. Let your mind wander. If you start to fall asleep and wake up, notice what you were thinking about. Usually it's the beginning of a weird dream. Write down your dreams. Do whatever you can to have deep REM sleep in which you dream, so you have more chances to recall dreams.  

In the video, I talk about 5 ways to access your creativity, which include:

Mea Christie